Java IRC Contacts: Email Us
(email form broken, just email iain(at)
Other contacts:
MSN: iain(at)
Skype: Streamerp2p
ICQ: 32952155
+44 (0)7960918984
(from the US)
011 44 7960918984
p2p radio
Current version 2.0 (26 Sep 12)
2 stations
New Beta 3.02, for Windoze and Android, see Downloads
Streamerp2p enables anyone to webcast without needing to pay for servers or hosting.
It works from your home pc, even on dial-up for some streams. There is no maximum limit to listeners, like with like shoutcast or other unicasting.
It is completely free to use for both personal and commercial users.
Small install (12M with the LibVlc video library)
Listen to things the mainstream doesn't play.
Be a bedroom DJ.
Promote your band or label's music.
Do chat shows, using skype to conference your presenters.
Promote your favourite diety.
Use it as an overflow for your when your shoutcast stream is full.
Join the webcasting revolution.
to listen
(Streamer must be previously installed).
unicast (where available).
you need Streamerp2p ver. 2.xx to listen!
Rank: This is the overall station ranking derived from the # of listeners now, then their AQH value. Play: These button(s) will initiate station playback. If the station has included a banner graphic, it is displayed in this column. Station Name: The name of the station and also if programmed by the broadcaster, a link to their station website. Now Playing: The name of the currently playing song on the station if provided. Station Info: The broadcasters description of the station. Listeners: The number of current listeners to the station. AQH: The average number of listeners during the last 24 hours sampled at quarter-hour points and a link to a 24 hour graph of listeners to that station. Bitrate: The bitrate in kbps of the stations stream. Type: The type of encoding that the station uses for their stream.
There is also a link on the word Status at the top that will display a statistics graph of streamer usage over a 7 day period.
A blank search in either Title or Info Search boxes will clear any previous search criteria and display all stations. and any person affiliated with is in no way responsible for, nor can be held liable for the content included in any of the streams that are available here. does not provide the content of any stream here.
They are all the sole responsibility of the individual originating the stream.
Broadcasters should check into local legal requirements and/or royalty fees involved in their content before launching a stream.
More info on licensing and royalties can be found HERE.
Any problems with the content of a given stream should be directed to the caster of that stream. Thank you.